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Travel Savings

Travel Savings Plan is a unique way to plan for your future vacation that will be pre-paid and debt free. Your savings will be managed by TRAVISURE and we will use the plan assets to negotiate with the vacation service providers such as airlines, rental car companies, hotels et cetera. TRAVISURE will even pay interest on your savings.

How can you take a vacation when*:

•    76% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck*

•    95% of us don’t have the discipline to save for travel

•    80% of the travelers put the cost of their vacation on a credit card

•    95% of us would travel if they had the time and money

•    39.5% found gasoline was too expensive

•    27.1% found airfare was too expensive


                                                                                                                     * Survey by  * State of the American Traveler

The answer is Travel Savings Plan

•    Convenient way for individuals and families to save money for future travel

•    Enjoy debt-free, pre-paid trip and build memories for lifetime

•    Be a part of a bigger group with better negotiation and purchasing power

•    Stay away from spending hours finding that elusive travel deals

•    Let your money grow with the interest on what you save

I'm short on cash. Should I put my vacation on a credit card?


Absolutely and definitely Nooooooo! Unless you are one of those who pay your bills without fail and have a history of zero failures.

• Charging travel expenses that you can't immediately pay back is not the way to go
• You end up paying much more than the cost of the trip if you take a vacation on credit card
• When you factor in double-digit interest rates and the months—or years—it may take you to pay it off, you can end up spending 50 percent or even 100 percent more
• Never dig into you home equity or retirement money for traveling purposes
• "If you're too ashamed to ask Mom and Dad for travel money, don't ask a bank or a credit card company." Grant Cardone, Financial expert

Does it make sense to set up a Travel Savings Account?

• Yes, and the best way to make it work is to have money automatically deducted from your paycheck or checking account each month and tucked away in an account that you pretty much forget about until you need it

• Let your money be out-of-sight-out-of-mind. Use it only for travel purposes

• You save for major expenses in your life such as for your children’s education, your retirement et cetera. So why not save for travel.

• The benefits of travel are way too many. Travel Savings is the first step in gaining travel related financial independence

How do I know what I can afford to pay for a vacation?

•    The old rule of thumb is that a once-a-year vacation should cost about two-three week's salary, but there's really no algorithm that's right for everyone. It's a personal decision that depends on your fixed expenses (housing, cars, student loans, insurance) and lifestyle choices such as $4 latte, $30 pizza etcetera

•    For some people, travel is important enough that they choose to live in a smaller house and keep a lot of their discretionary expenses down so they can see the world

•    Remember to include not just airfare and hotels but also meals, cabs, shuttles, dry cleaning, souvenirs, tips and a cushion for those great—or awful—OMG moments



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